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Privacy policy

Privacy Policy Overview

Welcome to Fairway Heights Golf Club!
This privacy policy explains how Fairway Heights Golf Club("we", "us", "our") manages, uses, and discloses personal information when you visit or shop at https://fairwayheights.ca (the "site").

What Data Do We Collect?

Our customers' privacy is a top priority. When visiting our site, some of your personal data is automatically collected, such as:

- Web browser details
- IP Address
- Timezone
- Specific cookies on your device

Additional data may be gathered as you explore different pages on our site, including products viewed, search terms used, and any other interaction on the site. This is all referred to as "Device Information."

Methods of Data Collection

Your device information is collected through the following:

- Cookies: These are data files placed on your device by a website.
- Log Files: These files track website activity, recording data such as your IP address, browser type, ISP, date and time stamps, and more.
- Web Beacons/Tags/Pixels: These are files used to monitor your navigation and interaction with the site.

Any time you attempt to make a purchase on our site, we collect necessary information such as your name, billing and shipping details, payment information, email address, and phone number. This all pertains to "Order Information".

Information Sharing

We share personal information with third parties like Google for order processing and in-depth site analytics. You can find out more about how Google uses your information here. You can also opt out of this agreement with Google by visiting this link here. We may also share information as required by laws, subpoenas, or to protect our rights.

Targeted Advertising

We use personal information for targeted advertising. Learn more about targeted advertising here. You can also opt out of targeted advertising across various platforms at the links below.

Opt out of targeted advertising:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/settings/?tab=ads
Google: https://www.google.com/settings/ads/anonymous
Bing: https://advertise.bingads.microsoft.com/en-us/resources/policies/personalized-ads

Opt-out via the Digital Advertising Alliance at http://optout.aboutads.info/

Do Not Track Compliance

Our site maintains its data collection and usage practices regardless of whether your browser sends a Do Not Track request.

Your Data Rights

Canadian residents can request the access, modification, or deletion of their personal data at any time. Please note that we process data for contractual obligations or legitimate business interests only. However, due to this, your data may transfer outside of Canada, such as the U.S.
Retention of Data

Data Retention Policy

We retain Order Information in our records unless requested otherwise.

Policy Updates

We may update this privacy policy periodically due to changes in our practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons.

Contact Information

For inquiries or complaints regarding our privacy practices, please reach out to us via email as listed in our 'Contact Us' section, or by mail at:

Fairway Heights Golf Club
789 Maple Avenue
Langley, ON L0R 1Y0